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网址:jiankongs.aou1.cn  2021-11-22  作者:admin    阅读:

Debugging of monitoring camera:
When installing the lens, first remove the protective cover of the monitoring camera and lens, and then gently screw the lens into the lens interface of the camera and make it in place. For manual aperture, the electronic shutter switch of the camera should be set to on, and when the application site is the brightest (with the maximum ambient illumination), the lens aperture should be opened as much as possible and the image is still the best (the image cannot be too white and overloaded), and the lens adjustment is completed. Install the protective cover and mount the bracket. As the aperture is large and the depth of field is relatively small, the clarity of the whole monitoring site should be considered as far as possible when focusing the focal length
当现场照度降低时,电子快门将自动调整为慢速,配合较大的光圈,仍可使图像满意。调整过程中,若不注意在光线明亮时将镜头的光圈尽可能开大,而保定平面设计培训 保定空调维修 保定管道通风 包装盒定做 化粪池模具 废旧电缆回收 不锈钢铸件 是关得比较小,则监控摄像机的电子快门会自动调在低速上,因此仍可以在监视器上形成较好的图像;但当光线变暗时,由于镜头的光圈比较小,而电子快门也已经处于最慢(1/50s)了,此时的成像就可能是昏暗一片了。
When the illumination of the scene decreases, the electronic shutter will automatically adjust to slow speed, and the image can still be satisfied with a larger aperture. In the adjustment process, if you do not pay attention to open the aperture of the lens as large as possible when the light is bright, but close it relatively small, the electronic shutter of the monitoring camera will automatically adjust to the low speed, so it can still form a good image on the monitor; but when the light is dark, because the aperture of the mirror head is relatively small, and the electronic shutter is already at the slowest speed (1 / 50s), the imaging can be done at this time It could be dark.

